Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Wake me when hurricane season is over...

Sunshine State, my ass. It's been raining for a month.

On the bright side, there's only three more months of hurricane season! (Notice how I always try to see the bright side?) We've been lucky, so far. Hanna is looking to brush past us, but move back north - ironic that this storm coincides with my mother being in Florida, her last name is Hannah, but that's close enough for humor's sake. Then Ike's on deck. How many Ike Turner jokes are going to be made with that one? Let's hope it's not too violent of a storm...haha.

Hurricane prep is ongoing. The currency to hoard is apparently bottles of wine to share with the neighbors when you're all sitting around doing nothing because the power's out and the kids aren't in school. Oh, and don't forget to have toilet paper on hand...you don't want to have to run to Publix during a hurricane because you ran out of crucial paper products!

If anyone's interested, here's a link to the hurricane tracking site from the local weather station. I've been checking it daily: http://www.local10.com/hurricanetracker/index.html

Now anyone reading this can watch with me and see how much fun we're in for! Break out the wine and turkey jerky! Anyone up for a game of Uno by lantern light!?

1 comment:

Heather Snediker-Morscheck said...

Its an ADVENTURE!!!!! Aren't you glad to have such excitement in your life? When you lived in PA you didn't have as many charming aspects of Mother Nature's hatred for the human race,and wasn't that dull. I can't say OH because of the tornadoes. But you knew that.