Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Settling in...

So, it's not so much a long, cold winter, but if I can't use the pool, what's the point? We turned our heat on one night last week. The smell of burnt dust was permeating throughout the neighborhood.

Camped at Disney World. In tents. In January. The lows were in the upper 30's. Now, those of you reading this in the cooler climes will think that sounds like a heatwave right about now. Let me assure you, 35 degrees in a tent is NOT a heatwave. Holy crap, it was cold. We were able to borrow a space heater from a friend, however, so it wasn't unbearable. I will highly recommend the Fort Wilderness campground on Disney property, by the way. If anyone is considering it, please check it out. The grounds are well-kept and you never have to hike too far to get to a bathroom in the middle of the night and there is a LOT to do before you even consider going to the parks.

Speaking of Disney...it's amazing how we come to rely on technology. How on Earth did people coordinate a day at the amusement park before the advent of the cell phone? I was having a hard enough time when my battery finally died and Michael was on the other side of the park getting a Fastpass for something while we waited in line for Thunder Mountain.

Other than that...things have been fairly quiet. The kids are good, Michael's good. We survived the trip north for the holidays. Piper was afraid she'd freeze to death, but alas, she is still with us. They were slightly disappointed to have missed the snow, but playing with old friends more than made up for the lack.

I'd like to remind everyone that Spring Break is just around the corner and reservations should be made early. We're planning sunny skies for the next few months, so come enjoy it.

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